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Ability Write (Download) 4

Ability Write (Download) 4

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Ability Write (Download) Publisher's Description

Ability Write contains all the features you would expect a good word processor to have: spell checker and thesaurus, bulleted and numbered lists, a wide range of file formats for export and import, headers and footers, numerous paragraph and font options, clear and helpful interface, interactive rulers, intelligent drag and drop editing, short-cut menus for easy text revision, the capacity to include graphics, spreadsheets and charts, industry-standard interface and operation, and many other essential features.

In addition, Ability Write has these features:

  • mail merge to Microsoft Access files (even if you don't have Ability Database oe MS Access);
  • user-defined selecting, sorting and querying of mail merge data from within Write;
  • a multi-lingual facility;
  • table creation with full editing capabilities, including splitting and merging of cells;
  • full import of Microsoft Word documents, even those containing tables and images;
  • printing of non-consecutive pages or ranges;
  • creation of PDF files from any Write document;
  • Recent Files and Folders sidecar menus to help you locate and open folders and files quickly;
  • creation of special text effects through Write FX;
  • Macros - use VBScript, OLE automation and programmable forms;
  • styles, templates, frames, call-outs, captions, and columns;
  • advanced fields capability to allow direct linking to spreadsheets and databases, including live sharing and changing of information across applications.

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